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部落格: Blog2
  • 作家相片Esther Ting

Documentaries x Pantomime

We did an Ancient Greek documentary channel using pantomime! It was super fun because it was the first time the students got to perform with a text. The class was divided into 4 groups. Each group was given a book about the Ancient Greek life. Then, they had to take turn to read the text and use pantomime to show the actions.

There was an unexpected challenge. A group of students didn't want to work together. They said they couldn't get along with each other and it was hard for them to make artistic decision. Mrs. Asmar and I tried to help them to find the common ground but they refused to cooperate. I thought they were going to give up the performance but they all wanted to participate. So I invited them to resolve the conflicts throughout the week and come back next week with a readiness to work together. To be honest, I didn't know what to do (I still don't know what to do). It's a real challenge for a new teacher!

Any suggestion? What can I do to help these young adolescents work together and focus on the art and history, instead of their conflicts?

Group Practice! When everyone was engaged in the work~

Ancient Greek students :)

Ancient Greek grapes picking for Dionysus

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